Owwll Podcast

EP:72 - Entrepreneur Inspiration - Benjamin Mogul: Pioneering Organic CBD Beverages with Cann-Ade

Owwll App/Jason Hill Season 1 Episode 72
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00:00 | 34:23

Benjamin Mogul is the  founder and CEO of Cann-Ade Corporation, the exclusive producer of the world's first and only USDA organic certified cannabis-infused beverage. Benjamin's journey began with his passion for wellness and athletics, leading him to create Cann-Ade beverages, which are designed to promote relaxation and recovery. His products are known for being gluten-free, vegan, kosher, and bottled in glass, ensuring the highest quality for consumers.

 In this episode, Benjamin shares the story behind Cann-Ade, from his initial inspiration to the challenges and triumphs of bringing a unique product to market. We discuss the benefits of CBD-infused beverages, their legal status across the U.S., and the meticulous process involved in ensuring product quality and safety. Benjamin also talks about his hands-on approach to distribution and marketing, emphasizing the importance of personal engagement and building strong relationships in the industry.

Listeners interested in wellness, entrepreneurship, and the cannabis industry will find this episode incredibly insightful. Benjamin discusses the anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety benefits of CBD, the rigorous testing for quality assurance, and strategies for successful product distribution. Keywords such as "CBD beverages," "organic wellness drinks," and "cannabis-infused products" are central to this conversation, offering valuable knowledge for aspiring entrepreneurs and health-conscious individuals.


Three Potential Listener Questions:

  1. How can CBD-infused beverages like CanAid help with stress and inflammation?
  2. What are the legal regulations for selling CBD products across different states?
  3. How did Benjamin Mogul successfully market and distribute CanAid beverages?

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