Owwll Podcast

EP:75 - Entrepreneur Inspiration - Balancing Fitness and Business: Brogan's Journey to Success

Owwll App/Jason Hill Season 1 Episode 75

Brogan is a fitness expert and social media influencer with over a million followers on TikTok and a growing presence on Instagram. Brogan's journey into the fitness world began with her passion for dance and has evolved into a successful career as a personal trainer and fitness app creator. Her dedication to promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle has earned her a significant following and recognition in the fitness industry.

In this episode, Brogan shares her journey from dancing in high school to becoming a leading fitness influencer and app creator. She discusses the challenges of maintaining a social media presence while working full-time and offers insights into the business side of influencing, including brand partnerships and monetization. Brogan also talks about the importance of discipline, balance, and accountability in achieving fitness and lifestyle goals.

 Listeners interested in fitness, social media influencing, and entrepreneurship will find this episode packed with practical advice. Brogan emphasizes the importance of discipline and consistency in fitness, the role of social media in building a brand, and the benefits of leveraging platforms like OWWLL for networking and business growth. 


Three Potential Listener Questions:

  1. How can fitness influencers effectively balance social media presence with other career commitments?
  2. What strategies does Brogan Morris use to monetize her social media following and secure brand partnerships?
  3. How can platforms like OWWLL support fitness professionals in expanding their business and network?

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It becomes a business and it's maintaining the following and what you do after that really makes the difference. Another episode here on the OWL podcast. Every week we bring you some of the best influencers, connectors, and of course CEOs around the United States that come join us here in the studio. I'm joined by my co-host who's going to tell us a little bit about our guest today. And we're going to go right into our guest who has over a million followers on TikTok or 50,000, I believe, or close to 50,000 on Instagram and doing some amazing things out there. Yeah. So we're super excited to have Brogan Morris here. She is a local Florida girl and she's a fitness expert, influencer. She also has her own fitness app, which is pretty cool because we're a new app here. So maybe we'll be asking you advice about that, but she just got on OWL today. And we're super excited to have her. So you guys can give her a call, ask her any of your fitness questions. But I guess let's just start with how did you get on this fitness journey? How did you become passionate about it? And yeah. Sure. Okay. Well, thanks for having me today, guys. Pretty excited. So basically, I kind of grew up dancing in high school, middle school. I mean, since I could walk out dancing. We talked about that. Theater, theater. Yeah. I was a theater kid. Me too. It was fun. But when I went to college, after going from dancing all the time in high school and always having rehearsals and just being active on my own, you get to college, you can't really, you can't do that as much. You start drinking a little bit. You don't have home-cooked meals and you just don't have time. You dance on the dance floor is what you're saying. The freshman 15, maybe. Yeah, exactly that. So I hit the little freshman 15 and I instantly was like, oh my god, I don't understand. What is this? And I really just lost so much confidence. And then I found Zumba, actually, which I don't know if you guys have taken a Zumba class before. I have not. My mom absolutely loves it, but I have not. She's always talking about it. It's so fun. For those of you guys who don't know, it's like dancing, but just right on the beat. Your instructor's cuing you, so you're just dancing in the moment. And sometimes at first, you're not so great, but that's because you don't know the dances yet. And then you get better. So that's kind of how I started. And I started dancing and loving it. I got certified to teach it myself. And then from there, I was like, damn, I'm looking good. Okay. And then I just kept going with it and kept getting more certifications. Now I'm a personal trainer. And then I just kind of kept growing. And for some reason, people started following me. And it was really nice to try and help inspire and help other people. And when did you start on the social media journey? Obviously with TikTok, you have like the biggest following there. So was that during COVID or when did you begin that journey? It actually was. A few years before COVID, I had one of my guy friends actually who was like, Brogan, this is like right up your alley. It's a lot of booty shaking, a lot of just dancing. You would love it. And I was like, no, it's another social media app. I'm good. And then during COVID, I got really bored. So started doing the dances. What really set me over, I think what got me to the 1 million mark was a twerk tutorial. Oh my, I need to introduce you to one of my friends. Like I'm already, the wheels are turning because he teaches heels classes. Oh my God. Stop. Locally? Oh yeah. And I've been taking his class. I suck at dancing. Like I'm a singer who can't dance, but I like get so inspired and I just have so much fun. It's such a, so nice to not be like going on a run and struggling. And I actually look forward to these classes. So I'm already like, you have to come join us. It's so much fun. And he taught me how to twerk, but I'm still horrible. We did a tutorial like on my apartment floor. Oh my God. So look out podcast. We might be twerking here. Yeah, right now. The video afterwards. We haven't had anyone do it live. Let's go viral guys. Let's go viral. Let's not do it live. Let's do it live. Yeah. Right. But I just think that it's so much fun. Yeah, it really is. And it's like, that's what I love about fitness. It's like, you know, so many people picture fitness and you're like, okay, I'm just on a treadmill running weights. It's like, yeah. And so, but like, no, there are so many different things that you can do. And one of them is just booty shaking, you know, like that burns a lot of calories. You know, it's why, yeah, we did the 75 hard. Me too. This year. And we like just loved finding alternative ways to work out. Like we both are super into pickleball now. And even just walking, especially walking on the beach is like really hard. I didn't realize, um, with the sand. Um, yeah, it's, it's difficult. So there's just so many different ways. And like I did 75 hard probably like three years ago. That was aggressive. That was, I don't know, do it again. I feel like most people who haven't completed don't really complete it. Like they really do every element of the 75 hour challenge. Like it is so hard. It is really hard. Yeah. Oh my God. I did another one that I called 75 like soft and I just took some of the things out. Some of the 75 hard cult. Like people got real pissed at that though. They didn't, the eating and the drinking part is what most people fail on. Of course. Oh, see, I was okay. I want a couple of cocktails now and then for somebody straight. Right. They want to eat unhealthy here or there. Right. Yeah. Five days healthy, two days cheap meal. Right. But seven days in a row eating healthy. Very, very hard. It's a lot, especially for 75 and I'm like huge. Like my biggest thing that I preach is living a balanced lifestyle. So for me doing the 75 hard was just a way to push myself a little extra. But you know, when I was done with it, I reminded myself, okay, this is not what we're going to do because this isn't what I reality. No, I agree. It's a little bit, but that's all about balance. Yeah. Um, now I'm curious, do you, like in terms of the social media stuff, um, what do you find as an influencer? Like what are, I feel like people talk about being an influencer and some people do it full time and other people like the money isn't really, you know, you have the following, but like in terms of making a career out of it, it can be really tough. Um, so like what, how do you find just with that whole experience that, how has that been and what kind of benefits do you find that you get? Like being this influencer, do you get like free clothes or like what? Yeah. I would say that's the biggest thing is free things. Like we get, it's a lot of free stuff. Um, for a while there I was getting, I mean all my supplements free, all my fitness clothes free, like every, like just anything I needed was just free. Um, I still do get quite a bit free, but it's back down a little bit. Um, just because I've been so busy with some other things that I haven't been able to post as often, but the money is just very unstable. And that's the thing with like, you know, influencing like, you know, some months I will make, cause I have a full time job as well. And so some months on social media, I'll make it well more than what I make in my full time job. Wow. But then there's some months where that's just not the case. Um, so for me, you know, maybe eventually it could be something full time. Uh, but I just, I don't see that for the next couple of years or so. Yeah. I think you need to be like an Alex Earl. Oh man, I was just thinking of her. I was literally looking at her acne photo that she just posted like right before this. And I just listened to the episode about how like she literally was posting like six times a day. And like, it really is like you have to, you have to be like, kind of you're living your life, but like you have to just be, to be documenting everything all the time is just seems so exhausting. It is. It's, and people don't realize that like they just think, Oh, you just get all this free stuff. You're just, it's so easy. And it is not. And I mean, that's why I haven't, you know, been getting as much free stuff lately because you know, I stopped documenting every single aspect of my life for even just a little bit and you know, things drop. Um, I'm starting to pick it back up luckily. And I actually just got a new agent. So cool. Yeah. I'm finally getting things where it's like, you know, I do make like $2,500 a post. Cool. Like you can make good money. Um, it's just, it's so much work. And I mean, you're constantly posting. Why does the income bounce so much? Um, I think that's again, just kind of, you know, if it's someone like Alex Earl, who that, that is clearly like what she does full time, you can really dedicate time to it. But because I have another full-time job for me, it fluctuates more than someone who it is their full-time because I can't, you know, if I get a gig and they say, Oh, we need this video in two days. Like, Oh yeah. I don't have time. Even probably answering your inbox message. Oh yeah. Like you probably have so many messages, even just finding the time to respond to everyone. By the time you respond, they're like, we found someone else. Like it's, it's tough. I mean, I am very thankful that I do have this new agent and she's helping like a lot. Um, and she gets me really good gigs. Um, my last agent was not good. So that's another good thing is finding a good agent. So is it a lot of one-time, uh, paychecks, I guess, where, where I'm going, where companies hire you for a post or two and then they're gone. So it's, it's very bouncy for that reason. Yeah. Versus the consistency of saying, Hey, I'm working just for this fitness brand and I'm on contract. They're paying me 20,000, 30,000 a year. And this is the agreement for example. Yeah. Um, so I do have, I think one company right now where I do consistent work for them. Um, and I used to have another company where I, same thing, I think it was like 30,000 a year or something. Um, but right now I just have the one. So yeah, it does fluctuate more cause things are just kind of like one here, one there. And then what's stopping you from going all in on this? Right. Um, you know, I interviewed so many entrepreneurs and they're very similar to your situation where they got the benefits, you know, for okay. Healthcare, a solid W2 income, you know, and sometimes they even get bonuses at their current occupation. And then eventually they're like, wait, if I just went all in on this, you know, I can make four or five times the amount and really have a lot more flexibility within the schedule that they operate in. So tell us like what's stopping you from doing that when you have the following and maybe you wouldn't have to outsource as much that, that other person to get you those type of opportunities. You could just say, I could do this myself and really control more of that environmental than you rehire cause you need more people helping you at that point. Yeah. I think it's just the fear of the, like, I have benefits right now. I have all these things and you know, I always say, and this sounds somewhat like bad, but you know, if I get married and I have like something, you know, stable just in case I would do it. But right now I provide for myself. I have to be able to provide for myself. And that fear is still there. And I know that the world is very much so changing. And you know, if I, if I did eventually leave my job and just fully go into social media, I probably could do it. Um, because that's just where the world's headed. I mean, almost everyone could be an influencer, honestly, you just have to work at it. Uh, but I'm just not quite ready yet. Well, it's actually interesting. Um, and I was talking to someone on my other podcast, podcast, the shrimp tank today, it's like you could get the influence, but then now handling it on the backend because then it becomes a business. It's like how, how, like, like Danielle was saying is like, how do you go through that inbox? And that's a skillset alone. No, even what's legit, what's not, what's a scam. Like so many, I even get so many DMS, like we want to offer you this. And I'm like, they're like, but you have to pay this to get that. It's not a real. And contracts. So often we see two people could have a million followers. One's making a million dollars a year. One's making $75,000 a year. And it's, and it's all the wild, wild West out there. It's negotiations and it's how you structure the deals. And, and I believe there's a talent to that side that no one speaks about. Everyone talks about how do you build a following, but then what happens on the business side? How do you control the following? Right. And there needs to be more people speaking out about that because that's where, you know, the business mindset comes into play and the entrepreneurship side comes into play to really make the most out of it. Um, and apps like owl of course are going to help people. Yeah. Right. So that way you could just consistently just have a, an auto message going out. Like all my first time conversations with brands are on owl or my audience. And you chat with me, I'm there once a week and create that funnel effect where then all of a sudden you're not missing opportunities. You know, the ones who really are dying to speak to you will jump into the app and call you versus you jumping on calls and zooms because it gets out of control. Right. If you have that larger following, you know, I only have like 12, 13,000 followers on LinkedIn and I get hounded all the time, uh, on my inbox, you know, for running two shows and I it takes so much time. And then, you know, a lot of times you miss opportunities and, and unfortunately, like Danielle was saying, it's like, you have to strike when the iron's hot because that brand moved on. They're like that person to respond. I don't want to work with them. You know, even though you're responding like two weeks later and I was stuck in spam or wherever it might've been. So it is difficult, you know, to manage all that, you know, with all the notifications going off all the time. How do you control the notifications and the incoming messages? Like how did, what's your secret? Yeah. I mean, it's a lot. Then, you know, you did make a really good point. Um, that a lot of people focus on, well, how do I get that following? How do I get there? But good point on it becomes a business and it's maintaining the following and what you do after that really makes the difference. Um, but for me, as far as responding to people, I, I do it all myself. I've tried outsourcing it and I just, I didn't like it. Um, not only is it a waste of my money, but you know, it's, I want like people are reaching out not because they want to talk to somebody else. So I prefer to do it on my own. Um, so typically, you know, I'm on my phone a lot. Uh, I am checking my inbox constantly and not everyone gets a response not only because I, I can't, but also because, you know, I like to, to kind of just pick and choose. Like if someone's asking me a fitness question and I can tell that it's legit, then I'm going to respond to you and I'm going to answer you and I'm going to try my best to help you. But then you also get a lot of messages of, you know, boys who I don't need to respond to. Which is why OWL is so great. You don't have to give out your phone number. You don't have to make them give you that money at least. And then you can tell in two minutes, okay, they're just hitting on me. Got to go. Bye. And then report them on the app port. See, that is nice. So like right now, you know, the only way to do that is I just get an Instagram DM and you're like, okay, you're, Oh, you know, I'll help you out. And then they're like, Oh, so what's your number? And you're like, nevermind. Waste of my time. We did have someone test that on Tinder. Literally. She said all my one-on-ones with any incoming people who want to date me, you can reach out to me on OWL. And she got a lot of people to download OWL with her referral code. She's making 10 bucks each, you know, and then some of them would call her, but it was in a controlled environment. So it does actually work. That's actually so great. You know what, like, Hey, you want a quick chat? Call me. Yeah. Right. Instead of, Hey, it's cheaper than a date. It's cheaper than the dinner. Exactly. And at least you're profiting just a little bit. Yeah. I think my boyfriend would kill them all, but Tell us a little bit about your app. Yeah. So I actually didn't do any of the, you know, app making, the back end of it. Cause I, I don't, that is definitely above my knowledge. A company actually reached out to me to make it for me, which was great because, you know, it's, it's so difficult. I'm sure as you guys know, to make an app and very costly. So it's very expensive. They were running some numbers by me. I'm like, Oh my goodness. So they did it all for free. They just kind of take a little small percentage of everyone that signs up. But basically my app is workouts and there's demo videos and I have programs on there. Like, you know, here's an at home program. Here's a gym program. Here's like a four week, get yourself started. Um, so that kind of thing. And you know, you can click the workout and it'll show you what to do. Nice. But it's just you and the app where there's not a hundred other fitness pros. So if you, that's the, that's the weird part. So it's a playbook app, which a lot of fitness influencers use. But if you click the link, you wouldn't find my app in the app store. I have to send you the link. Okay. And then if you pull up the link, you'll only see me, but there's like a hidden tab that you could search other people. Okay. But that's the right route to go. Because if you're going to try building your own app just for yourself, you, you, you need a few hundred thousand dollars and then maintaining it. So you need such a large audience, such a large audience, you know, being an individual, having your own app. So yeah, it makes sense. I think eventually I, maybe I will, but this was a good way to kind of test the waters, you know, get, get the content I need. And now I know that, you know, okay, these are the amounts of people I would have if I were to launch my own app. And so these are all like pre-recorded videos basically on the app. And then do you find that you get a lot of followup, like personal training clients? Like do you do zoom sessions or how does that work? You know, I used to, I used to do a lot of one-on-one online training. I don't, I don't do in-person training just because I don't have the time. But I did used to do a lot of online coaching. But ever since I had my app, I've just been sticking with that. I've just been sending everyone to the app and then, you know, you can message me through the app. So I just kind of, you know, message people like that. And it's pretty much how I do it. What's the cost ranges?$15 a month. Okay. Standard for everybody, regardless of how many times they message you. It's the same price. Yeah. And then, so there aren't like different tiers. It's just 15 total. You can get access to everything. Cool. Yeah. I think it's nice because like, I wish, you know, that would be nice to have something like that because anytime you go to the gym, I also have sections of, you know, upper body, lower body, whatever it is. So you can just go to the gym and be like, oh, you know, I want to hit upper body today and just click it and go. And is it all fitness or do you have like nutrition stuff as well? Because I know that they go hand in hand. You could work out every day, but if you're going to eat McDonald's every day, it's not really going to help. It's 80-20, 80% nutrition. No, I do actually have a page on there where it gives you, it's like a little booklet. It's a nutrition guide. And you just click through it and read it all. Cool. It was a lot of work setting up. Yeah. Was that a COVID project or? You know, that was a little post COVID. We were kind of coming out of it. And it was just, it was, you know, like four days straight of just recording workouts and exercises and uploading it all to this app. It was so much work. Wow. Yeah, but worth it. So. Yeah, that's amazing. I think that we're going to call some people on OWL. Okay. I just found someone, he's a boxer. So I think he would probably have questions for you into the fitness. Sean, he's into the fitness world. I really hear you a lot of verticals of income. You have your solid W-2 income benefits, then the side, you know, app, then social media. So you're getting, you know, a certain amount from just, you know, likes, you know, obviously they don't pay much with likes. A lot of people think TikTok's paying the bill, like not really. Right. But then you have all the brand deals that could come. Brand deals, that's the money, not TikTok. All right, Sean. How you doing? How are you? I'm doing well. I'm in Florida now. What's up, Sean? Well, I wish- You're on the OWL podcast. You're live. I decided to call you because obviously with your, your background in mindset, coaching and boxing, we have Brogan with us. She is a fitness instructor. She does nutrition. She's an influencer with over a million followers on TikTok, and she has her own fitness app. So I thought that I would connect you guys here and see if you, you know, I'm kind of putting you on the spot here, but see if you have any questions that you would like to ask Brogan. Definitely. How do you, how did you get your app started? I'm looking to get my own app started as well too. Oh, look at that. Good segue. We literally were just talking about that. That's perfect. We were. So actually I had a company reach out to me, kind of just offering, and it's, it's someone that actually I could connect you with too. So at some point, somehow I'll figure out how to do that. Yeah. It's a company, it's called Playbook. And they reached out to me and kind of asked me if I would want to do it. And they took a percentage rather than paying upfront. But I also have friends who have used Playbook as well and have paid for them to kind of set it all up, but it's, it's a really good way. I was actually just telling them to kind of check it out before you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars developing your own app to just kind of see what it's about and what all goes into it. Oh, okay. Okay. I like that. I like that. I love the percentage thing too. As an entrepreneur, most entrepreneurs that are new don't just have thousands of dollars to spend. So it's just such an efficient way to get something started. So anyway, Sean, didn't mean to cut you off there. What were you going to say? I was asking how long you been in fitness? Uh, let's see. I think I started in like 2013. So a little over 10 years. You said that, well, she said you're a boxer, right? Yeah, I am. I am. So tell me about that. How'd you get started into that? Uh, when actually, when I was like in a homeless shelter, when I was homeless in Maine, you know, I wanted a way out. So my way out was, you know, going to boxing and playing football at the time. So, but then I fell in love with boxing more. So, um, you know, my coach, it was a, a, definitely a great coach. He would come get me from the shelter, bring me down to the gym and, you know, we'll put some work in and stuff like that. So I think being homeless inspired me more to go out there and do great things, you know? Wow. That's awesome. My gosh. So do you do that like full-time now? Uh, I am now, but I just moved back to Florida. So I'm just trying to get readjusted. I've been gone for nine years and, um, a lot changed in Florida since I've been gone, you know? Uh, yeah, probably. Where in Florida, Sean? Uh, I'm right here. Um, you know where Brandon, like Brandon Mall, Brandon Town Center, like right there. And, um, it's like Brandon, Tampa area. Okay. Oh, Tampa. Okay. You'll have to come visit us. Yeah. That's amazing. Um, well, obviously you guys can talk more at a different time about the, the app and, um, yeah, we, we appreciate you picking up and, um, yeah, I hope that you come visit us soon. And Sean, I'd love to see you post that in the new chat form. That would be really cool. Say, Hey, I'm looking to build an app, get ideas around, you know, the fitness space and then I'll tag Brogan, but then I'll take some other folks that I think you should chat with. Cause there's a lot of app developers in there and you're going to get a lot of horrible advice when it comes out. I'm sorry. Extremely expensive. And a lot of people just want to see you write the check and you run into trouble quickly. So of course you can pick my brand any, any day you want, you know, throughout. Awesome. Sean, thanks for joining us on the owl podcast. Uh, thank you, man. I'm coming to see you soon, Jason. A hundred percent. Come on down. Yes, sir. All right. Okay. See you later. Brogan. That was your first owl call. Pretty darn cool. Right? Literally instantly call someone that's on the platform and then you could see right there, she's leaving him a five star review. Yeah, but that's the power of the platform. Literally instantly call people. But, but on your end, when you have a large following, you make yourself available at a moment's notice. So let's say you're driving to Miami right after today's podcast, right? What do you typically do? You're going to listen to music, listen to a podcast, listen to a book, right? Or call, call, call somebody, right? No one picks up anymore though. So unless it's a family member. So with owl, you can literally just go live for an hour, right? And just wait for people to call you. Right. And then also when you have a large social volume, you just post, Hey, I'm available for the next hour on hour. Call me. My price is listed at 10 bucks for 10 minutes, right? And build relationships on your drive to Miami. So there's no other platform really. Yes, you go live on Instagram and people in, but they don't have the payment mechanism. And then you're also on video with owl. There's, there's something really unique that you're not being recorded. That's great. And it's a private one-on-one audio call. So you could do it while you're driving and feel comfortable. So yeah, definitely no video is nice because you know, sometimes I don't mind going live, but I'm like, you know, I just really don't look like, yeah, I don't want to put makeup on right now. I just want to be comfortable in my sweats. Although sometimes I do that too. But yeah, I mean, there are the filters I think really help these days. I'm like, I can just, this will literally add like eyelashes. Exactly. But the payment is where, you know, people like when you go live, they can send you gifts and you get, you know, okay, here's 30 cents, here's 10 cents. But you're not, you're not making much. That's on Tik TOK, right? Yeah. Yeah. I don't think you make any money going live on Instagram. No. And with owl, what we find it's, it's not even about the money factor. It's just that the right quality people are calling you because they found enough interest in you to spend five bucks for 10 minutes, a dollar for 10 minutes. And then things come from it. You either end up getting invited on a podcast show. You, you end up getting invited to grab a cup of coffee or you get invited to be a speaker up on a stage. You're invited to be a TEDx speeder speaker or they, they write their, they help you write, you know, a book, right? There's just so many different things that we've seen come from one-on-one audio calls where it's not always like, you know, traditional, everyone just, you know, pretty much read someone's bio and says, Oh, I wouldn't find value in speaking with them. Like that's ridiculous. You know, people have so much going on underneath the cover underneath the hood and just be open minded. And that's what we're seeing from owl is when people are open-minded, just stuff, stuff happens. So I'm excited to see you get going from both sides because most people say, well, who's going to call me? But then the other side, the flip side is like you call them and all of a sudden you lend yourself a deal with someone like Celsius beverage, right? A bunch of, a bunch of people from Celsius are on the app. Right. And all of a sudden, like you're calling the right person. Yeah. So I was like, Oh, you're, you're down here in South Florida. We're down here and we're looking for brand ambassadors, you know, and things like that could just, you know, maybe even Ben mogul. Like we, our last podcast guest, um, has this really, well, not our last, but a few episodes ago, he has a really awesome CBD drink. Um, and he's also, um, an investor. So he like might love what you do and be like, Oh, I want to invest in an app for you or we'll do a trade. So you just never know. Now we're talking. Yeah. Right. You'd open my own gym Yeah. Hey, I'm, I'm already excited to get on your app cause I've just been trying new fitness techniques and things, even things I learned. I'm doing this new ab challenge right now that I'm excited about. So I just, I love all things like mental health and fitness. And so I'm excited to check it out. I'm totally going to subscribe later. Hi Paul. Hi, how are you? You know, I was watching, I thought there was a time delay on this, but this is such a great call with Brogan. Welcome. Oh yeah. He's watching. Nice. Um, so, Oh, well you're not, I did not have him plugged in, but, um, he's watching the podcast. So obviously you know what Brogan does. Do you want to tell us a little bit about what you do coach Paul? Well, sure. Uh, Brogan, you and I both are doing similar things in a different marketplace. Mine is focused specifically on mindset and specifically how to get unstuck. Yours just focused directly on the physical side, but related to the mindset to get unstuck. So that way we both do similar things. So when we're out there on the floor, when we're in the middle of a sports arena and we find ourselves in a situation where we just don't have it in us anymore, we just find it and we get it and we use it. Don't we? Oh yeah. Oh man. It's like, and you know, I always, especially when I'm coaching, because I'm also an aerobics instructor. And when I'm like coaching a class, I might walk into that room like, Oh man, I'm so tired today. But it's like, no, you got to show up for other people. And you know, that's the beauty of like the fitness community in general. Um, you know, people are just trying to most of the time, just kind of uplifting each other. And like you feed off energy from other people and you know, someone might not be having a good day, but you're going to find someone who is having a good day and they're going to help get you through it. Oh, a hundred percent. And you know, every career position has the same idea of being in the zone or getting in the moment or how harnessing your best self or however you want to describe it. Everybody has access to that 24 seven, just not everybody quite knows how, and that's where you and I come in. Yep, exactly. Do you have any, this is so awesome. Do you have any specific questions for Brogan? I know you've been watching. Yeah, I have been watching and I love the, uh, the chat you had a moment ago with Sean as well. The question I've got for you, Brogan is this, the world is our oyster, but we can't help everybody. So the real question now is who's your avatar? Who can I send your way that you most want to work with? Oh, wow. Um, very, very good point. You definitely can't reach everyone. Um, you know, for me, I really love like your everyday kind of person. I know that sounds really weird, but I'm not looking necessarily at my target. Isn't the person who is trying to be an Olympic athlete. My person's not the one who's trying to walk on a bikini stage because, Whoa, those competitions are intense. Um, I am more trying to help the everyday person just become more confident, just become, you know, it's, it's a daily thing. It's, it's, it's something that you are living with. You're just trying to be healthier. You're not trying to, you know, kill yourself. Yeah. And I do find, I mean, growing up in the dance arena, like there are so many unhealthy habits that I just heard from friends and horror stories, especially in that industry. I was talking to a physical therapist and she was like, Oh, I hate working with dancers because when I tell them they have an injury and they need to take a break, they're like, sorry, not possible. Like the show must go on. Um, and you know, just eating disorders out the wazoo. So that's definitely difficult to work with those like high end entertainers really at the end of the day. Cause in fitness too, the, the, the shows like it's, it is entertainment. So, um, I love that. And you, you did preach that you're all about balance. So yes, it's something you can incorporate into your daily life. Love it. I love that. Well done. Thank you. And coach Paul, well, do you have any questions for coach Paul? Not to put you on the spot, but, um, yeah, you know, you kind of, kind of said what you do, but so what, like, what do you coach exactly? Like, do you do speeches all the time or, you know, I have spoken on stages to over 5,000 people at a time. Uh, yes, I do that. And now that COVID is pretty much done, I'm getting calls back. In fact, it looks like I'll be in Malaysia in February. Uh, but one of the really cool things about what we both do and getting across to people is that we only work one person at a time or a small group at a time. And that's how we make our world a better place. Uh, the best metaphor I can think of is when you get on the airplane, they tell you to put your mask on first before you put on anybody else's, but that's not a selfish thing because you're not much good if you're not around to help anybody. So what I say, and Brogan, I know you believe this as well from what you've said, when we are helping ourselves to become our best selves, we then can help others around us to do the same. Our family, our friends, our communities, our world. That's how we make our world a better place. And I've made it my life work to do that for people one moment at a time. Yes, that is so true. When I am not at my best self, I cannot help anyone else. And, and that's okay to sometimes go through that. You know, sometimes I am in a mental space where I say, you know what, I can't help you right now. And I'm so sorry. Um, and I think that it's important for people to understand that, but you want to work as much as you can to be okay, to be able to help others. And I think that is like, what's nice about not doing the influencing full-time is like, when you do need that break, you can be like, I'm just going to go and be quiet and produce right. And just be to myself. Whereas like, you don't have to be like, at least like just from my experience of doing the full-time musician thing and like, Oh my God, like I didn't get a gig this weekend. Now what? And it's so stressful and it makes your passion become like not as fun anymore. And now that I have OWL, it's like I can breathe again and just, you know, so I definitely can relate to that. But coach Paul, you also do hypnotherapy, right? I certified doctors in hypnotherapy. Right. Yeah. Which I think is pretty interesting. That sets you apart from some of the other coaches that are just, um, you know, giving motivational advice. Um, the hypnotherapy aspect is something unique. Um, and you've, have you given hypnotherapy sessions on the OWL app? As a matter of fact, I have one of the really cool things about hypnotherapy is it puts you into a hyper focus, 100 times better focus so that you can do things, uh, in a 10 minute cycle here on, on the app. And in that particular way, uh, some people have gotten what they've been looking for very quickly. And that's what I love to do. You know, my favorite sound, the snap of a finger, that's how long it takes to make a decision. And as I say, my life work is empowering people to do exactly that more often. And I can hear that in your voice, your energy. I'm going to empower people. I've got my downtime too. Let's make that clear. I've got my downtime too. And the real key thing here, I mean, I'm going to use the metaphor of an ambassador and Jason will tell you, I'm an ambassador here as well on the OWL app. I just feel so proud to be part of it. But the idea behind an ambassador is that no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, no matter how you got there and no matter where you're going, you're still an ambassador and ambassadors have downtimes too, but they're still ambassadors. So what I tell my breakthrough coaching clients is, Hey, you know what? You don't have to be your best self a hundred percent of the time, but here's the key. When you do decide that you want to be your best self, do it fully 100% at that moment. That's the key. I also like, I've recently been just setting intentions like before everything I do, like throughout the day, I'll be like, okay, I'm going to set that this is going to be a successful podcast. Like when I change activities, which is just really helpful because it might not always go perfectly, but just setting that intention and mindset ahead of time to know what you want to get out of something or yeah, just, I think it really does change your mindset and your energy and your attitude. So that's helpful too. So does Starbucks. It does. And you've got that positive outlook as well. And that comes across naturally. Thanks. Yeah. So does Starbucks. I didn't do the intention today. I forgot, but I have been teaching it to my students that I singing students and it's really made like a crazy difference. So anyway, well, thank you so much, coach Paul. And thank you so much, Brogan. Best to you as well. I'd love to catch up and reach out to you too. And anybody who wants to know more about me, I've trademarked my hashtag get unstuck now. So you'll find me on any social media with get unstuck now. Cool. Nice talking to you. And you too. Continued success. Thank you. Perfect. He's nice. Yeah. Awesome. I know he's got his energy. Energy. He started talking. I was like, okay, he's on it. But then it's like contagious. Then I'm like, okay, yeah, I'm going to be hyped too. Like, okay, I can go to the gym after this. Yeah, I know. No, I've actually been dreading that all day because I didn't get to do my morning workout today because I came in and saved the day for sure. She did. She did. She came in. She had to be the producer of our earlier show. And I've been like, oh, just thinking about like lifting weights all day. I know. I think I'm going to play pickleball instead because I'm just like, hey, you know what? It's still like having this conversation. I'm like, still a workout, you know? Exactly. It's moving. That's all you need. How do you train people to stay in the zone? So often people build the habit, but then they fall off the habit because they go on a vacation and then all of a sudden they eat poorly and then it turns into them working out four days a week to two days a week to zero. Or they go on a diet and it just goes back and forth, back and forth. And I think a lot of people, that's their biggest struggle. It's like they're good for three months and then they're bad for six. And then it's just like, it's hard, right? Because food is so darn good. I just love food. So when you're like 80% is nutrition and 20% is working out, it's just hard, that 80%. I got to say. Yeah. And when I train and when I talk to people and everyone, that's their number one question. The most thing I get asked is, how do you stay motivated? And I am constantly telling people it's discipline. You have got to change your mindset from, I need to get myself motivated to, I need to get myself disciplined. Because that is the only way that you're going to find success and finding a healthy lifestyle is simply reminding yourself that you're disciplined to do it. I saw Mel Robbins say, it's just about waking up, right? The hardest thing is when that alarm clock goes off. Is that the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 thing? Mine goes off at 6.30. Countdown where you have to be- It's just like a lot of people have discipline. I do that. They have discipline in a lot of areas in their life, but there's something about when the alarm goes off and you're supposed to get up and a lot of people go to the gym in the morning, that's the best time we all know, but it's like, I could just skip one day. And that's the discipline we're speaking about. It's like getting the fuck out of bed. And in my case, I go in an unheated pool. So today, it was cold. It was 64 degrees and I looked at that pool and I was like, I got to do it. I got to do it. And you know what's crazy? Actually, when you jump in, it's warmer in the pool than outside. But that first jump, that first touch of the water is hard. But the hardest thing is just getting out of bed. Yeah. That's it. It's that first thing. It's the getting up out of bed. And even this morning, I shut my alarm off. I was like, you know what? I couldn't sleep last night and I got no sleep. And so I was like, nope, I'm turning off the alarm. That's where the balance happens, which is nice. You're going to burn out every second. And sometimes you procrastinate. Like last night with this ab thing I'm doing, it's like every day of abs. It was like 11.55 PM. And I was like, I still have five minutes before the day ends. And I got it done in those three minutes. But hey, who cares? I did it. Exactly. And that's really it is the balance. Yes, you need to stay disciplined, but you also need to be disciplined in knowing when you do maybe need a day. And that's okay too. But the discipline comes in allowing you to pick it back up. Not everyone's David Goggins over here, right? Like out of control. Go, go, go. But like go, go is not natural. You see a story on social media that sounds like go, go, go. Most people, it doesn't work like that. I'm married. I have two kids. You can't just be go, go, go. Shit happens. Kids are sick. You got to not do a workout because you got to do something different for that day or you're on a vacation. Things come up in business, different events, and you have to work around those and just be disciplined. But I will also say accountability. Oh, yeah. So let's talk about accountability for a second because you can be extremely disciplined, but then if you don't have that accountability partner, like on my side, sometimes it's someone just calling you out. Someone will be like, you look like a fat ass. And you're like, shit, I do look like a fat ass. And it could just be like your colleagues at work. I have Stephanie and Danielle that are just like, they hold me accountable to be a better person, but also on the fitness side and also the eating side. It's just like we hold each other accountable in certain things, in business as well. But talk about accountability for a second. So I mean, you definitely hit the nail on the head. Is that the right phrase? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been a long day. No, I know. Oh, my God. Finding someone to be that accountability partner is going to be key to this. I mean, even if it's like, mine is my mom. She'll call me out so quick. She always has since I was a kid. Like, do you really need that second piece of cake? I feel like fear in a way kind of is a good motivator sometimes. Like, I don't want to be fat. Like, it's just like, oh, no, that would suck. Like, it kind of is sometimes. Exactly. And for me, it's not even like, you know, oh, I just I feel like I don't look great. It's like I don't feel my best, you know, like some people, you know, when I say like, oh, I just feel fat. And they're like, you know, people are, you know, maybe a different size than me. Look at me like, okay, whatever you say, skinny bitch, you know, that kind of thing. And I'm like, you know, it's different because to me, like, I feel like that's how I feel. And you're not you're comparing yourself to yourself. Exactly. You're not comparing to anybody else. Like, sometimes I don't feel my best self. Sometimes I feel large. Sometimes I feel small. Yeah. And you know what, to the average person, I probably look exactly the same. Yeah. But you know, it's you can't always hold yourself accountable. That is so hard to do. So you've got to find someone to help really like, we did the 75 day hard challenge with 23 people. And it was so good to have a Facebook group that you were posting in. And you're like, wow, they're going through the same issues that we are like, it's hard to drink, you know, a gallon of water a day. It's hard to, you know, eat healthy. That was the only thing. We were looking at, like, what are they doing for their 45 minutes? We're like, I'm going on a bike ride. Like, she's playing pickleball. I got ideas from everyone walking on the beach, whatever it might have been. But like, if those 23 people weren't with us, like, I don't think anyone would have passed. You know, I couldn't have done the 75 by myself. I mean, I did it also. Like, I actually created an Instagram group, you know, and we all just kind of had this big group chat go in. And some of us, of course, did fall off. But, you know, then there's some that it motivated you to be like, right, I'm not, I don't want to be that person. I was the one leading it. I really screwed that up. But honestly, my social media is actually one of my biggest accountability things in my life. Like, you know, yeah, my mom tells me to get it together sometimes. But, you know, I feel like I'm trying to preach this balanced life. I'm trying to show people you can live a healthy lifestyle. And if I'm not doing that, then, you know, what am I what am I even doing? Well, think about this. I put the 75 day challenge out there as the founder of OWL. And then I'm like, shit, I can't not pass. I have to do this. I did everything under the sun to make it through. And then three people out of 23 made it through. You know, the stats on that thing. Like a lot of people made it through almost all of it. But it's very difficult. You get halfway and you're like, oh my god, shit, I still have. I mean, most people don't get through the first week. And I think you run into that too. It's like they just can't keep to that first week. And then if they get through the first week, the second week gets easier. And then all of a sudden it becomes a habit. Exactly. It takes 14 days to make habit. Yes. Well, with that in mind, I think we have a bet coming. Danielle, talking about a habit on OWL. Right. Let's let's do something fun with Rogan today. What do you think? Oh, boy. Ooh, I like it. So, Rogan, just to kind of state the rules here. Well, we did the last two episodes. It's new. To finish every episode, we're going to place a bet. Right. And it has to do with accountability. And of course, it has to do with OWL. Right. We want to see you doing certain things on OWL. You hit it, you're going to win something and we're going to wait something today. And if you if you lose, vice versa. Right. So what do you think, Danielle? What would be? I think as we've done in the past that you should if you can make 10 calls on OWL in the next week. OK. Next Wednesday is the deadline. Yes. So next Wednesday is the deadline. OK. So make not take. Make. New relation. Just make. Yeah. Make. Oh, I make 10 calls. Yeah. You call and you have $10 on the app. So it's not going to cost you anything because you could call 10 people for a dollar. OK. So you will win. Let's see. What do you want to win? Yeah. Well, we'll give you some options. I mean, we have this studio, which I know that you have your own podcast. So like you could potentially come here and do your own episode with like just using our studio. OK, that's OK. You we have merch that we could give out. I mean, you're the one who's giving me Starbucks. I don't know, maybe Celsius, something with Celsius. You said you like $25 gift certificates. So we give you some free cell. I do have a lot of there. I got a drink. I don't know if there is something that you can think of that you're like looking around here like I see you. I think I'm going to take that light old lights because I just got brand new lights. Yeah. No, I think I like your first one. I think to have a podcast here. But yeah, it's not my podcast. Oh, cool. I haven't had anyone say that. Yeah. Nobody. OK. Yeah. OK. We go with that. OK. And it will just be let's just do 10 calls completed. Yeah. It's easier to track. Yeah. Versus made. So you go live, take calls, take five, you take 10 or make or make 10. So by next Wednesday, we need to see our call count at 10. So minus the two we did today. Yeah. Yeah. So you're ready to. So then then. No, that that was on my phone. So I was going to tell you. Right. Right. Yeah. Oh, never mind. So it will be a full counter. Zero. Yeah, it's easy. And then what do we get if I fail? I feel like it should be something with your following like post. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like a post. Yeah, that's a yes. Oh, a special dance. Oh, I should have made you twerk on my tick tock. That would have been let's do that after this. If you fail, you have to do something with owl and twerking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, I'm going to make these 10 calls. We said we have it. We're watching for the first time. You know, most of them are hoping you achieve the goal is I'm hoping you fail. Yeah, I want to see this work video. Yeah, totally. We will have a double twerk tutorial. There we go. Working while doing our calls. I went out. Yeah. OK. All right. Where can everyone find you? What's what are your handles? Fitness with Brogan everywhere. YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, all of it. Cool. Of course. So go ahead and follow her on the owl app so that way you'll get a notification. All right. Thank you, everyone, for listening. See you later, everybody. Peace.

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